Aksaray University History Department was established in 2008. Our department started accepting students with the 2009-2010 academic year. Our department's academic work is supported by 6 Professors, 5 Assoc. Prof. Doctors, 2 Assist. Prof. Doctors, 4 Research Assistants 2 of them are graduated from Ph.D. and 1 Lecturer. In addition to the undergraduate program, the Department of History also offers graduate and doctoral programs.Our department contributes to the learning processes of our students through academic and social activities organized regularly every year. Genç Kalemler Dergisi The Journal of Young Pens published every six months and the Genç Tarihçiler Öğrenci Sempozyumu Young Historians Student Symposium held every year are among our academic activities. Cultural trips and various social aid campaigns are organized through the Genç Tarihçiler Öğrenci Topluluğu Young Historians Student Community. As of the 2023-2024 Academic Year, a total of 377 students are continuing their education at the undergraduate level. 12 of them are foreign students. 840 students have graduated from the undergraduate program as of the 2023-2024 Fall Semester. In addition, 71 students are continuing their master's degree in the Department of History. To date, 70 students have defended their theses and graduated from the Master's Program. Our department has started to accept PhD students as of the 2019-2020 Academic Year. One student graduated from the doctoral program so far. Currently, 4 PhD students are actively continuing their education.