VII. Student Symposium of Young Historians

The Department of History at Aksaray University organized the seventh of the Young Historians Student Symposium on 22 October 2020. The symposium was held online (ZOOM) this year due to COVID-19.

The Young Historians Student Symposium aims to encourage scientific studies in the field of history and introduce the historical-cultural richness of Aksaray, as well as enabling senior undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students studying in the field of history to meet each other and exchange ideas academically. In this context, 14 PhD, 47 Masters and 5 Undergraduate students from 32 different universities presented papers on various topics.

“It was a successful symposium. Meeting young researchers and exchanging ideas have been beneficial for both us and the participants. We would like to thank the Aksaray University Rectorate, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and the academic staff of the History Department for supporting the organization of the symposium" said the in the closing session the Head of History Department Prof. Dr. Necmettin AYGÜN.